EM 173 | Leading a Team or Organization That Can’t Meet


In this week’s Executive Minds, the MNTR leadership team gathers to discuss what it’s like to lead organizations that can’t meet in-person. This timely topic helps address best practices and challenges for churches, teams, organizations, or companies that rely on operating in the same space under normal conditions. How are we responding? In what ways can we pivot? This relevant discussion will help you navigate how to connect effectively in the virtual space and bolster your team’s efficiency. Tune in!

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Three Takeaways:

Connection is King, Not Content.

Whatever your business may be, don’t let customers get too accustomed to doing life without you. Once we get passed this, they will have moved on without you. Make a point in this time to make an honest connection with your consumers. The more personable, the more memorable. People will remember how businesses treated them during this crisis. Perhaps, it’s making calls or personal notes just to check up on customers to see how they’re doing. Let them know you’re genuinely interested in they’re well-being. Luck is being prepared when there’s an unexpected opportunity. This global pandemic, while distressing and challenging, presents an unexpected opportunity of which we’d be wise to take advantage.

Things We’ve Learned That Didn’t Work.

Despite our best efforts, things can still go awry. We are all first-timers when it comes to a global pandemic so adjusting to this new normal isn’t an exact science. As a result, we’re best served by being real and extending grace where possible. In addition to the work, many people are taking care of kids and have become principals of their newly-formed homeschool. Perhaps you’ve found out that just because you can see everyone on the screen doesn’t mean it’ll go smooth. For that reason, have a tighter agenda, turn mics off when not speaking and leverage the chat function. There’s often a delay in speaking so be cognizant of this while communicating. Finally, leaders are often energized by a crisis. That may mean that this comes at the expense of your loved ones. We have to stay plugged in and inform our family of our schedules. Being extra considerate is necessary since your household is more directly impacted by your workflow.

What We Recommend

It still matters how we show up. Just because we’re at home, it doesn’t mean that we don’t have to come across as professionals. Even if it’s not from head to toe, we still have to dress for success. Furthermore, we should be mindful of our lighting so that we’re visible in a professional way. Virtual meetings are tools that we are now able to use without any stigma. Going forward, we should be able to build margins of time in our day by utilizing videoconferencing in ways that cut down on the time investment of face-to-face meetings. This season makes possible the opportunity to skill up now more than ever before. Take this time to learn something applicable to your business that you’ve always wanted to or have been masking the fact that you hadn’t. Finally, speak in hope. We aren’t denying our reality, but we’re choosing to strengthen our community with optimism, encouragement, and resolve.